25 May 2016, 4:27am
This morning I watched my father die.
My mother and my sister and I were all in the cramped little hospital room that they had assigned him, cobbling together places to sleep because none of us have really had much in the way of rest or food in the last few days.
At about 3 we all kinda drifted off. (he'd been unconscious for most of the day) and at about 4:26 we all woke up at about the same time.
My brother-in-law and niece (who were staying at their home a few miles away) woke up at about the same time.
And at 4:27 my father groaned, coughed a few times, rolled his eyes, and tried to say something (his lips were moving, but there was no sound coming out because he was no longer breathing).
And then he was gone.
And one of the smartest and best men I've ever had the privilege of knowing left this world forever.
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