Funny the way this old ticker works sometimes.
It's been more than two years and I still can't bring myself to wish the two of them well.
Funny that, I should be.
I mean considering all the bullshit that passed between (not even counting the time near the end where she told me I was nothing but a charity case) I have to wonder why I even care.
But whenever I see her face I still get that same old warmth.
I never do anything about it of course; unlike the lead in a cheesy romantic comedy I know that stalking someone is not the way to win their heart, and I know that relationships are over when they're over (regardless of whether or not one would much rather it were otherwise).
But I just can't bring myself to wish them happiness together.
The best I can manage is to ignore the situation (which I've successfully done for a number of years now) and try to get on with my life (which I've done with varying degrees of success for the last year or so).
Funny old thing love.
Never was very good at it.
Thankfully I've always had a knack for goodbye though.
(practice makes perfect they say, though the type of practice I typically get leads me to approach it with a degree of finality)
See, this is why I never take days off...
They make me morose.
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