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Rants and Poetry of a Tired and Angry Man.

Just what the title says, don't look for anything too profound or earthshaking.

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Location: United States

I am my title, the typically overeducated, disenfranchised, socially dysfunctional loudmouth. I am the disgruntled employee of the month.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Carry on...

Everything was going fine, and then it wasn't.

It's an unfortunate reality that, to spite all our art and enterprise, we have yet to depart from or improve upon that very simple assessment of the human condition.

Things are fine and then they aren't.
No explanation, no apology, no rhyme, no reason...
Not that they would be understood or accepted,
not that they are in any way deserved.

Things are fine and then they aren't.

Things are fine and then they're fin.

It's always that way with the really interesting people in our lives isn't it?
The wonderfully gifted.
The tragically damaged.
The woefully misunderstood.
The terrifyingly beautiful.

Those brief vivacious sparks of genius that grace our species for the briefest of moments.

Flashes of blinding brilliance that illuminate the world for all who are lucky enough to see.

Fading almost as quickly as they appear,
leaving only the fading memory of their efflorescence.

A couple of weeks ago I learned that one such spark had been extinguished.
I learned of this several days after the fact.
I don't know how it happened, but at the ripe old age of 25 it did.
I wish I could say it was unexpected, but it wasn't.
I can honestly say that, whatever the cause, it will not surprise me.

Goodbye Nikki.

I hope that you really did find some happiness, and that you weren't just spinning bullshit for my benefit.

I'll miss you more than I have any right to.

You'll ever know how much you improved this sorry old life.

Yeah, mushy stuff, 'cause I know how much you hated it...
and as always, I thrive on your hatred

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