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Rants and Poetry of a Tired and Angry Man.

Just what the title says, don't look for anything too profound or earthshaking.

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Location: United States

I am my title, the typically overeducated, disenfranchised, socially dysfunctional loudmouth. I am the disgruntled employee of the month.

Monday, March 20, 2017

It's not flying, it's falling with style...

See, the problem as I see it is that the universe doesn't have a plan for everyone.

If you're just barely crazy enough to be interesting,
but not quite interesting enough to be crazy,

well, The universe, or God, or whatever,
 isn't quite sure what to do with you...

So, when things get crazy
when things get interesting,
The universe just kinda kicks you down the road a ways
and expects you to kind of
sort yourself out.

And thus is a perfectly orderly plan bolloxed up by angst and the search for self and for meaning and all that other happy horseshit. 

But on the up side...

if you're just barely crazy enough to be interesting,
or not quite interesting enough to be crazy,

well, The universe just kinda kicks you down down the road a ways...

And you get to sort yourself out...

Saturday, March 11, 2017


Dinner with the family tonight, some of my favorite people.

And it occurs to me (the world being what it is) that we're probably only going to get to do that a couple more times.

My sister and her kith are heading overseas on a 6 year contract this year, or maybe next.  And it's quite likely that my mother will be dead by the time they get back. 

She's thinking of heading east to be with her kin.

And me, well I'm in the wind as usual.

Might try to put down roots, but with property prices inflating it probably won't be here... 

Been thinking north for a decade or so, so now it looks like that might be the plan...

Not sure if I'll stay stateside or just keep driving till the engine falls out and plant myself there.

There's no longer anything keeping me here but inertia.

And it's spring.

The road always calls in the spring.

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Drown the world in flesh

A large population is key to the current social order.

Large populations guarantee wage stagnation, there are always desperate people willing to work for less.

Large populations guarantee war profiteering, there is always a need for more resources.

Large populations are easier to control, all you have to do is turn off the water, stop shipping in the food, get them fighting among themselves, and any semblance of organized resistance will crumble.

Large populations are easier to oppress, there's always someone willing to turn on their neighbor for a pat on the head, or a little extra, or because of some petty grievance.

Large populations are easier to homogenize, because even unique behavior becomes a group activity.

Large populations are easier to steer,  a panicked crowd will give up anything for the illusion of safety, and with a subtle word here, and a gentle nudge there, even the most meaningless threat can be contorted into everyone's worst nightmare.

Large populations are easier to exploit.  Because there are more cracks in the system, and more people to fall through them...

Ever wonder why the powers that be are so dead set to keep us breeding?

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