It's not flying, it's falling with style...
See, the problem as I see it is that the universe doesn't have a plan for everyone.
If you're just barely crazy enough to be interesting,
but not quite interesting enough to be crazy,
well, The universe, or God, or whatever,
isn't quite sure what to do with you...
So, when things get crazy
when things get interesting,
The universe just kinda kicks you down the road a ways
and expects you to kind of
sort yourself out.
And thus is a perfectly orderly plan bolloxed up by angst and the search for self and for meaning and all that other happy horseshit.
But on the up side...
if you're just barely crazy enough to be interesting,
or not quite interesting enough to be crazy,
well, The universe just kinda kicks you down down the road a ways...
And you get to sort yourself out...