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Rants and Poetry of a Tired and Angry Man.

Just what the title says, don't look for anything too profound or earthshaking.

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Location: United States

I am my title, the typically overeducated, disenfranchised, socially dysfunctional loudmouth. I am the disgruntled employee of the month.

Friday, March 27, 2009



Remember our last meeting?

Formal and scripted.

Primped and pressed.


Cleaner than either of us had been in years.

Powdered, polished...

Quasi-vibrant glow in blurry fog drenched dawn.


No trace of bruises, track marks, tweaker scabs.

Evidence covered, discarded, or disposed of.

Delusions of fleeting beauty.


A study in solitary grace and poise.

Healthier than you'd looked in years.

Gazing sightlessly through frosted glass...

Comin' up sober on the bad time of year.

Time to find out how badly I can fuck this up.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Observations pertaining to the Transient Self-Destructive Impulse (Or, I just wanna get drunk and do something stupid)

Have you ever wanted to do something really self destructive just to see if you were still alive?

What can I say, the springtime always makes me nostalgic and irritable and weird... I think it must have something to do with all the hormones and pheromones that people and other animals release at this time of the year.

It's just that, tonight I was talking with someone and it hit me that I can't really claim any title on this current life.

I mean, I work, I breathe, I eat, I shit...

I fulfill all the basic requirements of life, but I don't know if that counts.

See my life has no real impact anymore, for good or bad.

I'm a non-entity.

Let me explain.

At the time that I write this, it's been eight years since the last time I had a physical altercation with anyone. It has been ten years since anyone tried to commit serious violence on my person, twelve years since I have received a serious credible threat, five years since I've had even a minor work related injury (not even a cracked rib in all that time... I must be slacking). I haven't eaten a hamburger in over a year. I haven't been in what you could call a relationship in seven years. I haven't mailed an actual letter to someone in five years, haven't walked on a beach in a year and a half, haven't attended a wedding in two and a half years, haven't attended a funeral in six years. I haven't had sex in four years five months one week and three days. I haven't been drunk with friends in two years. I haven't been drunk alone in almost a year... In the last two years I haven't traveled more than forty miles in a single day (that use to be my commute), nor have I attended a live musical performance. I can count the number of times in the last year that I've gone anywhere solely for entertainment sake on one hand. I haven't attended a class, taken a photograph for my own purposes, or just spent an afternoon sitting in the sun reading a book in almost seven years. I haven't taken more than three consecutive days of vacation time (not counting time taken for illness or unemployment) in twelve years, and I can count the number of two day weekends I've had in the last twelve months on both hands. Aside from co-workers (and with the exception of certain family members) there are possibly four people out of the seven billion on the face of this planet who might notice if I disappeared tomorrow, and at least two of them probably wouldn't give a shit. Over the last dozen years or so I seem to have withdrawn, shut down, become increasingly unwilling or incapable of interacting with the world in any meaningful way...

I don't know why.

And I'm not putting this here to be whiny, or to try to gain sympathy, or because I am ungrateful for the life that I have been given, or because I don't understand just how bad it is for the other 99% of the worlds population...

I'm just trying to figure out when I, apparently of my own free will, stopped being a person.

I'm trying to remember why.

And I'm beginning to suspect that there's absolutely nothing I can do to change it.

And I'm beginning to wonder if I should even be allowed to.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Damn, now this shit is ruined... (Or musings on the current socio-economic hierarchy and the decay of western civilization)

Say for the sake of argument that you're cruising the Internet looking for free porn... You know, to get a little quality self abuse in before bedtime... What would really really ruin your mood?

Wait... Let's back up a bit.

How do you think you would react if, (while cruising the Internet looking for free porn) you stumbled upon a rather poorly made amateur pornographic production which appeared to be featuring someone who you thought you knew getting their brains fucked out by a person or person's you didn't know (if the thought of this being someone you truly love or care about too uncomfortable for you feel free to imagine someone who's just an attractive friend, maybe someone who's a bit of both, whatever it takes to imagine this scenario in 3D, I'll leave it up to you to fill in your own blanks here, choose whatever individuals, styles, and additional equipment you need to flesh this concept out for you and make it personal within your own limits of comfort... The personal connection is important though, if any of the rest of this has any hope at all of making sense... It's ok, it's complicated I know, I'll wait...)

Ok, got the image now?

Good, let's continue shall we.

Would you feel compelled to watch?

Would it make you feel sick?

Would you maybe feel both?

Suppose you chose to watch, just for a bit (not even necessarily for the wanking value, but for the total train wreck mystique of it).

Do you think it would set you to considering the artistic merits of pornography?

Would this in turn cause you to consider the pornographic nature of the world we live in?

I mean, in reality isn't pornography a truly fitting artistic representation of modern society?

Someone gets paid some money, and in return they agree to allow another wealthier/more powerful/more persuasive/whatever person do things to them in order to make more money. They are basically agreeing to let themselves be fucked so that someone else (usually someone with no actual skin in the game... pun intended) can make a major profit. The person being paid to surrender their power may enjoy the things that are being done, they may not, but whatever their personal feelings they are obligated to pretend to like it, or there will be punitive repercussions. (this obviously being a career that values a strong customer service background)

Sometimes you can see it in the eyes. A sort of desperate terrified cornered animal look... A look of total lucidity as the individual realizes that the whole of their life has been reduced to a few tawdry minutes on some sort of recorded media, and that (in most instances) they agreed to the situation by what they took to be their own free will.

The surrender of the self for the sake of profit.

Does this not sound like an artistic representation of modern society?

Then there are the ones who have been doing it longer...
The ones who have long since lost or buried all but the most basic parts of their personalities.

You can see it in their eyes too...

They don't blink often.

They kind of seem to be staring at something very far away.

They tend to say the same things over and over, no real passion behind the lines, just the need to complete the job.

The bodies appear to be vibrant and healthy and very much alive, they are engaged in an activity that most living folks enjoy, an activity that is (by it's very definition) one of the cornerstones of life, but the eyes are dead... Nothing looks out from them to indicate any sort of joy or pain or greed or sorrow or lust or revulsion.

Just going through the motions.


Healthy vibrant individuals, engaged in healthy vibrant activities, with dead dead eyes.

Does this not strike you as a poetic statement of the futility of the human condition?

Now before I get all the porn stars out there pissed off at me for overgeneralizing this, I will admit that there are likely some folks in the pornography business who truly enjoy what they're doing... Who find the work liberating and rewarding, and who feel that they are amply compensated for their efforts... That's fine, and I can accept that, and maybe all the folks involved feel that way, they just put on an act because they figure it will improve their market value... I really don't know, and it really doesn't enter into this rant.

So many questions seem to pop up here.

I mean, if you stumbled onto a video where you saw someone you knew, or thought you knew (of legal consenting age etc.) engaged in this pursuit, and you kept watching for just a bit because you couldn't quite make yourself turn it off in time, and you could swear that you saw in their eyes a subtle transition, first from the person you knew to the first description I mentioned above, and then from that to the second description I mentioned above...

What effect, if any would it have on you?

If you saw this individual again in person, would you mention it to them or keep it to yourself?

Either way, could you make yourself look them in the eye?

Would you want to?

How long could you go without telling this person what you had seen?




If you did tell them, or they told you, how would you react? (Sometimes saying something out loud makes can make it more real than witnessing it)

Would you flip out?

Would you pretend that it was no big deal?

For you, would it truly be no big deal?

Would you try to make the person feel comfortable?

Would you offer sympathy?



Would you pretend to be sympathetic and supportive, but secretly (for whatever personal, or moral, or religious reason) harbor unkind feelings for this individual?

Would you thank them for trying so hard to get you off?

Would you ask for an autographed copy?

How would you handle the situation? (yes, you, the random strangers who are bored or desperate or unfortunate enough to read this... except for you there with the lotion... I'm not telling you which site, or how recently, or which individual, or what connection I have with the aforementioned individual, so zip up and move on please.)

If this individual was comfortable with their decision, or even happy with it, would it affect your opinion of them?

How would it affect the way you related to the individual?

If they were really broken up or damaged by the experience, do you think you have what it takes to help them come to terms with it?

So many decisions.

So many ways to fuck up.

Like the wide wonderful world of Internet porn, there are just too many choices.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Feigning a look of surprise while I whine about my deficiencies.

It's not so much in the inevitable bullshit as it is in the realization that, after all this time, it's still possible (on occasion) for me to be foolish enough not to trust the ole instincts in the time leading up to and into said bullshit. Paying no heed to the whispers, the glances, the parallels with past experience, the well honed paranoia.

It's the realization, willingly allowing oneself to be so totally and completely taken in. Not for the first time, or the second, or third... and by what?

A smile? A compliment? A laugh? A touch on the hand? A coquettish look? A toss of the hair? A joke? A sad story? A little affection or human emotion? The illusion of compassion?

Things that I should have outgrown the desire for by now.
Things that I thought I'd learned to see through by the time I was seven or eight years old.
Things that I did learn to see through by the time I was seven or eight years old...

That's the real irritation. My willingness to believe what I know (not just fear but know) can not be true.

The fact that for all my ranting and railing against the foibles and weaknesses of human nature, I still display those same traits.

Over the last couple of years especially I seem to be displaying a startling lack of emotional restraint, as well as an undue level of personal attachment, a pathetic shortage of common sense and an appalling lack of stoicism .

I think I'm slipping, allowing myself too many freedoms, too many uncontrolled thoughts, too many desires... and I don't know why.

I suppose it could be a function of getting older, it could also be that I've pretty much quit drinking again (leaving me no place to hide) and I have been somewhat ill these last few years. Still, that's hardly an excuse for allowing myself to forget all those hard earned lessons in humanity.

I'm disturbed more by my lack of objectivity, my unwillingness to see things as they are, than I am by the immutable fuckery that is human nature.

Anyway, enough whiny bullshit.

People are people, in all our disgusting, pathetic, and inherently worthless glory.

Serves me right for thinking otherwise.

Should've known better.

Fuck it, back to work.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Evening Constitutional.

Another restless morning.

I can't remember the last time I slept, I mean really slept without being either sick or drunk.

Wind blows through darkened trees, moon lighting my way, momentary distraction from the omnipresent temptation.

The lowland forests, the high country wastes, the rolling grasslands, the dust of the open road... They call.

Spring approaches, stirs the blood, gently nudges the instincts.

Strains of a familiar tune on the breeze.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Don't feed the Bears.

It occurs to me that my posts of late have been more whiny and pathetic than usual so I decided to switch things up with a fun drinking story memory from about sixteen years ago.

See, it had been a really really bad year for a lot of the folks that I knew, and those of us who were still alive were pretty damaged, so we spent most of the summer of 1993 camping in the free camping spaces at this reservoir.

Of course we did all the things that young people camping do, lots of random sex and alcohol and other fun substances... Lots of sleeping under the stars and budgeting and begging to survive... Lots of wasted time.

At this point I should mention that I have a fairly deep voice (yeah, it seems kind of random, but it's important for later). I should also mention that my ancestry has gifted me with an incredible ability to metabolize alcohol, and though my current ill health forces me into sobriety, at the time I could burn through a quart and a half of 80 proof in an evening, and wake well rested at daybreak for eggs and beer. I digress...

Anyway, it was getting near the end of the summer, and none of us had been working that much, so money was getting scarce, which means alcohol was getting scarce (heaven help us). So on the night in question, our little group was down to 1 pint of E&J brandy, 1 Quart of Jeagermiester, a 12 pack of Black Label, and (most) of a 64 oz plastic bottle of Lucky's brand generic vodka which had been kicking around the bottom of the ice chest for the better part of a month (because nobody was brave/desperate/stupid enough to drink it, though a few of us did try).

Now I should explain that, though the campsites were free, the rangers didn't like people staying in one spot for more than a week or two, so we were always moving around to keep from attracting undue attention. On this particular night those of us who were living at the reservoir had just moved camp, which meant that (while we knew exactly where we were) the ladies in the group (who, for the most part, weren't living out there) didn't know where the rest of us were. Now this was in the early 1990's, in a part of the country where you still can't get a cell phone signal, so communication was not quite what most folks have so recently come to take for granted.

Anyway, for whatever reason the messages we left at our old site weren't received by our lady friends, and we were all feeling a bit depressed anyway, so we started drinking.

The five of us burned through the brandy and the beers and the jaeger in short order, and all that was left was the generic vodka (which had the look, smell, and flavor of rubbing alcohol... If you don't know what rubbing alcohol tastes like don't find out... That shit will make you blind [literally]). So we scrounged some seven up, and some orange juice from one guys truck, and started mixing screwdrivers in the jaeger bottle.

At this point I should mention that none of us had really eaten anything approaching food in a couple of days, so this was all sitting on empty stomachs.

I should also describe our camping space.

We had a fire pit in the center of course, but off to one side, about 30 feet from the fire was a large granite slab. Now (for those of you who don't know) granite reflects moonlight very well, so this slab was designated our latrine. Basically if nature called, we would walk toward the granite, do our business when we got there, then turn around till we saw the fire and walk back... This sort of thinking is important when your drinking large quantities out in the woods.

Anyway, back to the story.

We had been sitting around drinking for several hours, and the women still hadn't shown up, so we were passing around these nasty ass screwdrivers, trying (with a fair degree of success) to drink ourselves numb. (At this point I was drinking till parts of me were numb. Normally the numbness would start in the feet and slowly progress up the body as the night wore on. On this particular night I drank till I couldn't feel my stomach, so I figured I still had plenty of room, because I didn't normally get sick till my face got numb... Anyway, back to the story)

We had succeeded in burning through about two thirds of the vodka when we all pretty much decided that the world was spinning too much and it was time for bed.

Now one of the five of us had a tent, which was being shared, and the rest of us were just sleeping out under the stars. I was sleeping next to the fire because I was usually the lightest sleeper, and awake before most of the others (another habit that I've long since outgrown).

So were laying out trying to make the world stop spinning when all of the sudden the entire world lights up like a UFO abduction movie. Were laying there, trying to figure out just what the hell is happening when this giant, I mean giant RV rumbles down our little patch of one lane grave road and parks right next to the granite piss patch.

To this day I swear none of us knew there was another camping spot down there.

Anyway were all laying really still, trying not to make any noise, trying to keep the stars from spinning, when we hear the family in the RV get out to stretch their legs (sound really carries out there, no traffic, no planes, no people usually).

First the wife gets out, we hear her say something to the husband about how she thinks the campsite smells a bit funny.

We snicker, and the world spins a little faster.

Then we hear a kid, youngish, like eight or ten say something like "Hey dad, I think it's been raining up here..."

Oh crap, we're all feeling bad, but still trying really hard not to laugh.

This is about when the first of the guys realized that generic vodka and past date orange juice on an empty stomach is an unfortunate combination.

He rolls out of his sleeping bag and vomits violently.

Of course the sound of this, combined with the eventual smell, was enough to get the rest of us going, so a chorus (almost in unison) of loud, deep voiced, drunken vomiting teenagers rang out across that patch of forest.

I'm face down in the fire retching and roaring when I hear the same childish voice, awestruck and full of wonder say "Dad... DAD!!! I think there's bears out there!!! Can't you hear them?!?!?!"

So now were laughing, and vomiting, and all praying for some sort of quick painless death... And wouldn't you know it, that's when the women finally find the campsite.

It goes without saying that none of us got laid that night. In fact, only one of our special ladies stayed that night (not surprisingly, the one who eventually became a nurse).

We never met the family who's camping trip we all inadvertently ruined (they left well before daybreak).

The next morning we pretty much buried the campsite we were using (put a good couple inches of dirt over the entire site to clean it up).

It was twelve years before I could drink vodka again.

But that's probably one of the funnier drinking memories I have...

Maybe you had to be there, I don't know.

It's not quite as funny as the drunk in the duffel bag...

But I'll save that one for another time.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Fire Dust in Rat's Nest.

Civilization mile post.

Twisting, coiling, slithering.

Snaking copper knurling unfurling furlong.

Delineate, constrict, constrain, define.

New god, create new reality, created by the new reality to re-create itself.

Malicious malleable mobius of morality.

Eschewing moderation, eternal transience.


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Of Free Will and Consequences.

You know it's been at least fifteen years since the last time I saw you, but you've been in my thoughts.

I think on our time together, drinking under the stars, hanging out under the trees, pretending to be more than we were, trying to figure out what it was all about.

There are some days, even now when I would give almost anything to wrap my arms around you, to see your smiling eyes, to hear you laugh...

You know how I loved to hear you laugh...

It's a weakness of mine, I know.

I've been remembering you.

I remember when I was fifteen, and you were fourteen, that afternoon on the bus when you were choking on something in the back seat and nobody was paying attention. I remember pushing you up against the window, performing a sitting heimlich and getting you breathing again. You coughing and gasping your thanks as the tears formed in the corners of your eyes.

I remember how crushed you were the day you realized that you (like the rest of us) were not destined for fame or glory or glamour, and that, no matter where you went, you would never truly fit in.

I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and I'll admit that it's due in part to the fact that I know someone in this new life that kind of reminds me of you.

The same but different, isn't that always the case?

Different sense of humor entirely, and (no offense) a bit faster on the uptake than you were, but just as kind hearted, just as wonderfully stubborn, just as beautifully damaged and tragically flawed as you were all those years ago.

This one also seems to think I'm a better person than I am. I really hope she never has to learn otherwise, but watching her I see her following in your footsteps. It may be an inevitability.

You know that I always cared for you, that I always loved you (though we were never lovers), that I would have done anything... well almost anything if you'd asked it of me, if you'd really needed it.

But you never asked, you just chose your path, and wouldn't be turned from it by any of those who cared for you... All the while singing "Ja will provide" so that we couldn't hear the pain in your voice.

And I know I'm to blame, at least partly.

I shouldn't have moved on.

I shouldn't have closed my eyes.

I should have tried to do more, to stop you, to do something, to change something.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't even make myself watch.

They say nobody can know the future, and that's true I suppose, but I knew, even if it was just an educated guess.

I knew, and I turned my back because I was too weak to face it.

You who always tried to convince me that I wasn't a worthless evil fuck. That I had some shred of human decency... But in the end, which one of us is still here?

When the time came to prove it, I just couldn't seem to spare the time

Too caught up in my own bullshit.

I didn't even find out about your overdose until you'd been in the ground for two years.

And I know your other friends mourn with me.

And I know no one places any blame.

And I know your children don't even know my name.

And I can even bring myself to forgive you your selfishness, for thinking that you had the right to abandon the rest of us to go off chasing your dragon.

But I just can't seem to face down the fact that I was too weak to watch you destroy yourself, to add yourself to that ever growing list of people that the rest of us are stuck here mourning.

I just keep telling myself that people make choices, and have to face the consequences of those choices, and that I can only help people who want to be helped, and that it's not my right to interfere in someone else's life just because I lack the fortitude to face the pain of a world without them...

But the longer I live the more it all sounds like self serving bullshit.

I'd like to think that I've learned from this, from you, that I'll do it different this time, that I'll be able to make a difference, or that I'll be able keep my eyes open and see it through to it's logical conclusion... but I just don't think I'm strong enough, I'm not sure I ever was, or ever will be.

I neither ask nor expect your forgiveness, even if the dead were in the habit of granting it, I know I don't deserve it.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry I left you there when a better man would have stayed.

I'm sorry that I failed you, and the others.

I'm sorry that I couldn't be there when it might have done some good.

I'm sorry I couldn't make myself stay and watch you die.

I'm sorry O.

Missing you.

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