(kn-spîr-s) noun
1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design
So the official story goes like this.
50 years ago, a guy I never met was killed by another guy I never met.
Now this other guy (after pulling off a couple of minor miracles, one involving time and another involving basic physics) was killed by yet another guy I never met.
Now this last guy (a guy with some interesting connections, and more than his fair share of friends in useful places) officially died in custody of a pulmonary embolism as a complication of lung cancer about four years after killing the guy who killed the first guy (and a few years before I was born).
The question that I can't find an answer to at this point is 'why should I care?'.
Yes, I said it.
Why should I care that these people died?
Why should I care that official version of events might not be accurate?
Why should I care whether or not the Warren Commission acted to obscure the truth about the Kennedy assassination?
Before you stop reading hear me out.
We now live in a world where our government openly admits to kidnapping and torturing people.
Not clandestinely, openly.
We're not even all that ashamed about it. (watch some of our movies and tv shows, we're actually kinda proud of the fact... at least those of us who aren't scared shitless by it)
We are part of a society that embraces the idea that anyone who is targeted by their government is deserving of their treatment. And when our friends and neighbors run afoul of this new system, instead of re-examining whether the system might be flawed, we choose to assume that 'they must've had it coming' and lock our doors tighter, bury our heads deeper, voice our condemnation louder and either delude ourselves into thinking that it could never happen to us, or secretly pray that it doesn't.
We accept this world, hell we embrace it.
We accept a world where a certain select class of people is above the law.
We accept a world where basic humanity is a liability.
Where critical thought is something to be ashamed of.
Where loud and emotional argument, and knee-jerk reaction are of greater value than common sense assessment and measured response.
We accept, even demand more laws, more intrusion, more abuse.
Every time something happens to spook us the response is "that should be illegal!", or "We need to toughen the penalty for that!", or "think of the children!".
So with that in mind, why the fuck should I care if three guys I never met are dead?
Don't say it's because one of them was 'important'. By doing so you embrace the notion that there is a superior class of people who are somehow entitled to a more comfortable standard of living than the rest of us (and don't feed me that crap about 'their lives are in constant danger'. You want to see someone who's life is in constant danger, go strike up a conversation with the jittery, high strung, bug eyed kid behind the counter of your local all night convenience store).
Don't tell me I should care because 'the American people were lied to'. The American people demand to be lied to. We have proven time and again that we don't want the truth, we flee from it, we embrace the lies of our keepers and owners.
And don't expect me to believe that it was a tragedy because 'a good man died for no good reason'.
Good men die every day.
Good women die every day.
None of them are professional politicians.
None of them are wealthy, or come from wealthy families.
Very few of them would be included in societies list of 'beautiful people'.
Very few of them are well connected.
And none of them are mourned and remembered by an entire nation for decades.
Them's the breaks.
So don't expect me to mourn a guy I never met, that's his family's job.
Don't expect me to mourn the death of our great social experiment, we are all complaisant in that.
And don't tell me it was the 'end of innocence'.
Innocence is for children, and if you're still clinging to it at the end of your first decade then you are either too sheltered or dangerously delusional.
Instead of a moment of silence to honor a dead prince, why don't we have a moment of awakening?
A moment of saying 'fuck you' to the corporate mouthpieces and shit merchants, to the professional liars and established cheats, to the ass kissers, to pundits, the thought peddlers and theologists, the public thieves and paid assassins, to the sobbing rheumy eyed fame junky spinning yarns of a long forgotten and fictional golden age; to the N.I.M.B.Y.'s and yippees, to the self-righteous and the self important; to all those who have conspired, whether knowingly or unknowingly, to the obvious decay of our society.
Fuck the twitching twerking youth of today.
Fuck the boomers and their incessant greed.
Fuck the millennial generation and their unearned, unwarranted self esteem.
Fuck the Gen-X'ers and their whiny apathy.
Fuck the crooked government.
Fuck the corporate owners.
Fuck the know-it-all entertainers who think their job gives them the right to have their opinion listened to.
Fuck Rush Limbaugh and his rich boy entitled self righteous ranting.
Fuck Tom Brokaw and his sanctimonious folksy liberal bullshit.
Fuck the mindless drone consumers.
Fuck the holier than thou.
Fuck the old school.
Fuck the new generation.
Fuck the armchair experts and the high paid incompetents.
Fuck the players and the martyrs.
Fuck the elitist jackoffs for thinking that their high station and good luck makes them somehow superior, and gives them the right to inflict their beliefs on their fellow humans.
Fuck the knuckle dragging anti-intellectuals for making intelligence, common sense, and independent thought something to be ridiculed instead of embraced.
And most of all fuck you and fuck me.
We've let it come to this.
If we didn't see where things were going then we should have been more vigilant.
And if we did see where things were going we should have done more.
We're all complacent.
All guilty of conspiring to create this wide wonderful wicked and worthless world of ours.
At least that's my theory.
I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room.
― Jack Ruby ―